Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Harry Coumnas Has Collected Evidence Supporting The Possibility Of Life On Other Planets

Harry Coumnas is one of the scientists that has spent more than half of his career researching on "Extraterrestrial life". On the basis of his study on the subject, he says that there are several reasons that indicate towards the possibility of life on other planets of the solar system. He believes that Life on Earth has evolved from the chemical reactions, which eventually formed cellular membranes & proto-DNA. According to him, these chemical reactions might have originally started with some complex organic compounds, like – nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in the atmosphere & ocean. As these "precursors to life" exist in most of the planets, Harry says that after some years, life will definitely evolve on them.

One of the biggest clues that Harry Coumnas found was the presence of organic matter on most of the planets during his last space trip a couple of months ago. Organic matter is composed of organic compounds that consist of carbon – the building block of life. This fact alone, he says, is enough to believe in the possibility of life on other plants.

The ultimate dream of Harry Coumnas is to build residential colonies, five star hotels, and industries on all the nine planets of the Solar system. To ensure the success of his plans, he is already in talks with some of the world's most reputed engineers, builders, contractors, architects, and interior designers. The first planet he wants to start with is – "Mars". He is planning to build on it a luxurious hotel and organizing trips for people to enjoy a lavish stay in it. He would organize these trips for people of all age groups, including – youngsters, seniors, as well as kids.

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